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Collections of Things

Hey everyone, happy friday!

We know it can be difficult to balance the necessity of additional screen time (for all of us) with time spent in the concrete now. As your virtual librarians, think of us as little chipmunks, scurrying around to find lots of great resources & inspirations from all over the world!

Whether it is digital databases or cuddling up to read an ebook with your little ones, we strive to make it possible for people to find the stuff they need. Librarians in your neighborhood, around the city & across the country are working every day to make it easier (& more fun!) to find digital resources that fit your families needs.

One of the goals we have here at Bookkitty is to avoid redundancy. Many of you have already begun organizing sock drawers & of the first things you do is get rid of the clutter.

It can be difficult to navigate the multitude of digital resources out there---a Black Hole of super fun Slow Motion videos is always looming! One of the ways we can help you to "declutter," is to link up excellent resources that already exist. Our dear friend Barb (you might see her at the main desk or maintaining the book sale) shared a wonderful resource: Mom, I'm Bored from the Longmont Public Library.

We recognzize that there is a whole wide world out there & we are spending more time online then ever before. It's worth it to take a few minutes to review the CRAAP test from Duquesne University or this one from University of Maryland.

We can't wait to be able to read & play with you again in our library! You can easily sign up for a library card to access incredible resources from home!

Toodleoo, Kangaroos

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